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Why Freddie Cannot Achieve His Goals pt 2

Updated: Apr 30

Why Freddie Can't Achieve His Goals pt 2
Why Freddie Can't Achieve His Goals pt 2

Why Freddie Can't Achieve His Goals

Pt 2

"Within the game, there exists the underlying game that one must navigate and master. The game within the game"

- Rizen Deadly Serious

Freddie suffers from "Moonshot thinking" or the "Rocky movie Effect."

Freddie Shoots for the moon, aiming for ambitious goals when fuelled by inspiration. If the Motivation is not there, however, he does not feel ready to start, thus, he is never ready 50% of the time, therefore, he never fully taps into his full potential.

While it might appear that Freddie lacks discipline or hardwork. The crux of his problems stems from his psychological mindset. Freddie is trapped in a recurring cycle of addictions, insincerity and a distorted perception of success. These ingrained negative patterns manifest themselves as blockages.

Freddie's parents constantly lectures him, urging him to stop being lazy and work harder. His go-to youtube motivational guru fills him up with motivation and the self improvement world fills him with what to do...yet, Freddie finds himself unable to reach his destination. Despite hearing these perhaps well-intention words, they are often misguided. They do not align personally to Freddie's unique circumstances.

Freddie's parents do not understand Freddie, like many parents, who sees the child but rarely recognize the human within.

The truth is, nobody on this earth feels genuinely understood completely, therefore most people feel alone. Freddie does NOT lack discipline or hardwork. Freddie's true deficit lies in lack of understanding rather than effort.

He is plagued by blockages !

Firstly, Freddie set too many ambitious array of goals. Let's revisit his goals again for the year.

A, Start a business and earn £100,000 by the end of the year

B, Quit Smoking

C, Lose weight

D, Build muscle

E, Read a book a week ( on success)

Freddie's plan for the year is encumbered by excessively ambitious goals that clash with each other. Freddie has no experience in business, yet he aspires to attain a six-figure income by the end of the year, making these two objectives incongruent. Given Freddie's limited experience in running an entrepreneurship. His first year should be none other than learning.

Unfulfilled desires lead to one expectations not met. Multiple goals pulled into the opposite direction DOES NOT create success. Instead, this creates low esteem and lost of confidence in oneself. The lack of momentum dwindles, evaporating motivation and enthusiasm.

Freddie's goals are egoic. It's unclear. It lacks wisdom.

Most goals fall short of underachievement due to conflicts with each other, its roots cause stems from a lack of clarity and insincerity.

Ideally, Freddie FIRST goal should be:

- Quit smoking.

And no other goals. This leads to the next point.

2. Bad Habits

Freddie aims to start the year with a healthier lifestyle. To begin with, he wants to quit smoking but quitting triggers withdrawal symptoms with adverse effects on his body and mind.

Withdrawals can include nicotine cravings, anger, frustration, irritability, depression, insomnia, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating.

Consequently, he wakes up with no energy. No surprise there since Freddie has been feeding himself poor nutrition and cigarettes. Freddie's own brain is at war with itself.

Furthermore, Freddie has developed an addiction to excessive indulgent to digital electronics. His phone and iPad have been a constant source of distraction for him, consuming a staggering six hours of his day.

So how will he implement long hours, think clearly, and find additional energy to work out?

Not possible.

This is too much swimming against the tide.

Eliminate instead of addition. While addictions are hard to break, they are blockages preventing you. There's likely something that needs to be eliminated rather than added to achieve a positive change.


3. Pleasure chase Motivation

"Moonshot thinking" or the "Rocky movie effect", occurs when one takes action when inspired.

This trend is now prevalent with motivational youtube videos, internet self help gurus, hustle culture, with music and speeches pumping you up.

If you start only when you feel ready, you will never finish.

No greatness waits for motivation. You must begin with your back against the wall, with the enemy closing in and the surrounding pavements around your feet caving in, into death ground. Only then you emerge into something special. Motivation is a fickle lover. The key is to overlook fleeting motivation and focus on finishing. Motivation often runs out when it is not fuelled.

4. Freddie's Discipline Book

Freddie's new discipline book is regurgitation of other mainstream advices, tips and tricks, hacks and some mixture of nonsense latest research of productivity. The author does not approach things from mind. He approaches from the angle of productivity hacks he has heard from other authors and youtube gurus.

The author is advising empty how-tos to follow. He believes his advice is universally applicable. He does not address Freddie's unique circumstances, nor does he understand him even he met Freddie.

Because it isn't what Freddie needs to do. It is what Freddie needs to eliminate.

Perhaps, it is wise to understand this. It is never about the actual game. The game presented to you is the surface-level game. Beyond, there lies the intricate game within the game, that one must navigate and master.

Perhaps Freddie first goal should be Elimination of Blockages.

White. Mountain. War

~ The game within the game ~

Supreme Reality

The secret sayings

True transformation comes from the correct exposure. When spoken or written, the essence behind the words has the power to connect to personal experience, thus creating a living understanding, thus creating transformation.

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