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Leave Fools Be and Allow Their Curses

Updated: Apr 9

Leave Fools Be & Allow Their Curses

"Stay away from a fool, for you will not find knowledge on their lips."

- Proverbs 14:7-8.

Lets get straight to the point.

Inevitably, you are going to cross paths with individuals who lack a certain type of common sense, aka fools. The world is full of them, and they will infect you with their puny minds.

There are two worlds of mastery one must conquer; one is yourself. The other is the external world. Knowing how to maneuverer intelligently through life is almost like a skill you must learn to develop; a form of street smarts that allows one to ascend to their highest goals bypassing all the bullshit.

Your time and energy is too precious. Surrounded by the wrong people, you'll waste this precious commodity.

The abundance of such simpletons in our world is staggering, making their presence inescapable. They'll infiltrate your realm with their impractical behaviors and irrational tendencies, shackled by their own conditionings. Their very nature diverges from the pursuit of greatness, veiled by their inflated egos. Their actions mirror the exuberance of a child, howling like monkeys in jubilation over trivialness. They pee a tiny wee in their paints and jump hula hoops of joy for useless gossip. All while remaining blind to the grander tapestry of existence. Their mental faculties are dwarfed, too limited to grasping the profound or embracing foresight.

How To Spot A Fool

It's easy to fall prey as victims to fools because they often befriend you or you slipped into their friendship, and since their presence is everywhere, you'll encounter them at your workplace, local community and perhaps even family members. Fools don't carry picket signs stating their intention to negatively affect you. In fact, they often mean you no harm. Instead, they operate subtly, like an invisible virus impacting you.

Fools do not pursue truth. Fools are self-unaware. Fools are highly susceptible to changing moods. Their emotions follow the whims of the moment. They are prone to irrationality and defensiveness.


They tend to prioritize the most trivial matters that does not matter in the long term. Matters that are small with no meaning but they somehow prescribe meaning to them, engulfing themselves in endless drama, political charades, and gossip. Fools believe the constant conflicts in their lives as unfortunate circumstances that always happens to them rather than deeply looking into the matter, and understanding the cause root of its causality. Rather, they much prefer to blame other people and the world, when In actuality, they are often the one causing the conflicts by not understanding themselves or those around them. Their lack of introspection is easy to see because they will repeat the same actions. For example, they will get into a toxic relationship with someone similar to their previous relationship whilst causing majority of the destructiveness themselves or repeat the same cycle of behaviour at the workplace and never learning

from their mistakes.

As a result, fools tend not to progress much in any area of their life. Therefore, they tend to have low esteem, which than permeates their every thought and expressions. They unconsciously affect you, by destroying YOUR greatness. You will begin to think like them, small and petty. Wasting time trifling in petty games; getting yourself caught up in pointless drama with their enemies or battling themselves yourself.


Wisdom is understanding; you like everybody else will eventually be buried in a grave. And all the pointless drama, pettiness and negative emotions are for nothing. In the end, none of it truly matters. Whatsmore, your own potential of greatness will slowly wither away into nothingness. Time is limited. Choose who to surround yourself wisely.

Wisdom is relentlessly pursuing truth in every facet of existence.

Therefore, a fundamental truth is this; you, yourself are susceptible to foolishness.

Firstly, You live in a society where many false beliefs are believed to be true. Therefore, you don't have a choice but to be conditioned to a certain degree. Therefore, you must figure yourself out. What are the repeated pattens in which you fall into? What do you not understand about yourself? Why aren't you already where you want to be? What has society or your industry has you believing to be true that is untrue? You may have built decades of default pattern of behaviour that is potentially destroying you.

You are not susceptible to making foolish mistakes, But you learn from them. Thats what seperates you from fools.

Look at your past relationships and analyse how you handled them. The same default actions towards your career or habitual thinking. You must be ruthlessly truthful with yourself. Otherwise, you will waste many years on nonsense when you could have simply sidestepped them.

Secondly, understand fools are part of life. You must create a space barrier between you and them. Learn to adapt and refine your surroundings as much as possible. If you compromise and try to help them or co-exist in their space, you will suffer endlessly. Its much better to avoid. Out of sight, out of mind. Life is short. You want to be filled with purpose and urgency, not endless drama.

Know thyself thoroughly. Unchained the blockages of default patterns of behaviour and avoid the blockages of fools, to fulfil your grand destiny.

~ Leave Fools Be & Let Them Curse ~

The secret sayings

True transformation comes from the correct exposure. When spoken or written, the essence behind the words has the power to connect to personal experience, thus creating a living understanding, thus creating transformation.

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