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A Martial Artist And His Mind

Updated: Apr 30

A Martial Artist And His Mind
The Chinese Characters for "Kung Fu"

When the martial artist views himself as a fighter. His mind is caught in conflict. In Training, skills are committed to memory and honed. However, in competition, the mind acts out its inner desire, often succumbing to frenzy, resulting in its own downfall in a knockout. You may have seen for yourself perfect techniques in the gym. But not so much perfect technique in the fight.

This mind relentlessly pursues glory, its focus fixed on the chase.

When the human transcends competition. There is no fighter. There is no martial artist thus, there is no mind. Only the human playing the role. When the human is FREE from the fighter. Thus all his skills arise effortlessly, devoid of intention. They emerge as if blessed by a divine force, taking on an almost godly form.


The Whole world is teaching how to

discipline the mad mind.

Nincompoops, the mad mind cannot

be disciplined, mentally toughened,

mindfulness techniques or, mental toolbox,

or any technique its way into anything. The Mad mind's nature is like an agitated

wagonload of monkeys. Going against its

nature will only irritate its fury. To achieve singlness of mind, one must study

the mad mind's form. Only then will you

understand nothingness. If the mad mind were crocodiles in the swamp.

Attempting to catch, tame, or attack it will leave

you no closer to a clean river. The realization is

so revelatory. By abandoning the swamp,

the crocs do not follow. The mind ceases its chatter.

The mind disappears on its own.


~ The Journey to Mushin ~

The secret sayings

True transformation comes from the correct exposure. When spoken or written, the essence behind the words has the power to connect to personal experience, thus creating a living understanding, thus creating transformation

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